Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Global wheat output to hit surplus next year

Global wheat production will return to surplus next year, but not by enough to refill inventories by more than a fraction, Macquarie has said. The Australia based banker also forecasted that Chicago prices will remain above $6 a bushel for at least two years.
The bank forecast a jump of more than 5% in wheat production in 2011-12, the sowings for which have begun in northern hemisphere countries, as growers raise plantings to capitalise on firmer prices.
"European Union, US and Canadian farmers are expected to expand wheat plantings at the expense of other crops," Macquarie said.

However, with consumption also to grow, in the absence of cheap alternatives, even the world's third-biggest wheat crop looked unlikely to surpass consumption by much.
Indeed, as a proportion of consumption, inventories would actually looked set to tighten a fraction, with the stocks-to-use ratio, a key measure of pricing potential, set to edge lower to 25.1%.
The bank said it saw "little downside risk" of wheat prices falling below $6 a bushel in Chicago heading into the first quarter of next year, and forecast that level holding until at least the last quarter of 2012.
Prices would, for now, need to remain high to "encourage major exporters to draw down stocks to potentially tight levels", with those in Europe, where shipments have risen by more than 30% so far in the 2009-10 crop year, set to continue to outperform those in the US.
The EU has been the first port of call for importers scrambling to replace supplies lost since Russia, the world's third-ranked wheat exporting country last year, in August banned shipments after the worst drought on record ravaged its crops.
Russia's wheat production, estimated at 40m-45m tonnes, will revive to 51.2m tonnes next season, Macquarie said, a figure in line with the 52m tonnes forecast in a separate report from analysts at Australia & New Zealand Bank.
This figure, reflecting a forecast that winter sowings will fall to 13m hectares, after drought held back early plantings, will be insufficient to return Russia as a dominant force in exports.

Source: Commodity Online

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