Friday, November 12, 2010

Shipping Markets: New Look

Dear Readers,

As you will no doubt have noticed our CEO, John N. Cotzias, has been co-hosting the "Shipping Report" on Channel9, Greece's business TV network. In order to keep in line with the spirit of analysis and reporting that NCS Consulting provides the Shipping Community at large, we have decided to give this Blog a new look:

We will no longer simply inform you of the articles that we find interesting.

We will now do the work for you!

We will read the articles and analyse them for you, so that you get the crux of the stories and the conjectures that we believe can be derived from these. We are not going to pretend we know what the market will do in the future; as the last few years have shown, anyone attempting that feat is more likely pretending to know what he is talking about. We will try and provide the most logical conclusion from what we read, in order for you to get the most useful information as quickly as possible without you having to do any of the legwork.

Why, you ask, we would provide this information with what seems like "No strings attached"? Well, we believe in cooperative competition. "Game Theory" teaches us that cooperating will provide a better outcome for all parties involved. We are not afraid to tell people how we think and what we believe, since quality can not be duplicated... only imitated!

We believe that if your business goes well, so will ours!

So here's to productivity and profits, in a market that seems to have them elude us.

See you all next time.....

Best Regards,
Theo Scholiadis - S&P Broker


  1. Hi Theo

    This is a great initiative that will save us readers much time. I look forward to your future articles - can you give us an idea of what sort of content you will be covering?

    Kosta Kontos
    Kontos Databases

  2. Hi Kosta,

    Thanks for your kind words. Indeed, our aim is to save you, the readers, as much time as possible, since in our world "time is money".

    As for the content: Too many shipping reports and reviews deal with the past, namely how the market performed and how it will perform based on past economic experiences. This is where we want to differentiate. People forget that shipping is a global market and a political decision in one major country/player could change the market as a whole.

    So, to answer your question we will not only analyse shipping articles but "mainstream" (for lack of a better word) financial articles as well, and try to explain how they will affect the shipping market.

    The added value will be to the shipowner (help them see where the market might move), the chartering broker (help them see which routes' trading volume and value will change) as well as the S&P broker (help them see which vessel type/size will be a better investment for their principle).

    I hope this answers your question.

    Best Regards,
    Theo Scholiadis - S&P Broker

  3. The new look looks great!
    I am a bit concerned that Theo’s remarks about too much reporting in the past would include the fixture analysis portion of the report. That type of information and the commentary about the fixtures was a very valuable component of the document, even if they are past events.

    Best Regards
    David Chinski
    DryShippers Group

  4. Dear Theo !

    Thanks for inviting me in such a good source of information. I would be very glad to give comments and add value to your effort which is highly appreciated. A good starting point would be the GAS deposits discovered in the South Cyprus Region.

    Who will finally exploit them and how this will affect the LNG companies worldwide?

    FYI this only year 6 newbuilding vessels (SHI) were added in our fleet.

    Best Regards!

    Omiros Angelidis
    CERES LNG Services / BG LNG Services

  5. Dear David,

    Even in a volatile and fairly unpredictable market like ours, namely the shipping market, one can learn from past experiences. We will not stop our "Fixture Analysis" reporting; in fact the Weekly and Monthly Reports will also be posted here for your benefit.

    To ease your concerns, the Weekly and Monthly Reports will deal with the market analysis and what has happened in the week/month that passed (as they always have done), whereas this blog will deal with the effects that financial and political decisions could have in the shipping market.

    Less formally, it will answer the subjective age-old question that brokers are asked, "Where do you see the market and where do you think it's headed", the difference being that through the blog we will show the the thinking that brought us to our conclusions.

    I hope this clarifies things a bit.

    Best Regards,
    Theo Scholiadis - S&P Broker

  6. Dear Omiros,

    Your thoughts and comments will always be appreciated.

    As for the GAS deposits: It is an interesting topic, and we will be sure to address it in the very near future.

    If you have any more topic ideas, please feel free to let us know, and we will research and blog about them.

    Best Regards,
    Theo Scholiadis - S&P Broker
