Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shipping Markets: Dry Cargo Market “Highlights” - Week 47 (19/11/2010 - 26/11/2010)

This was a week of mixed feelings and mixed sentiments with no certain trends that can be clearly seen to be developing. To the contrary more uncertainty and more volatility and a directionless week that shows that all indices are actually ready to move towards in either direction. This totally irregular pattern was more evident in the Panamax size segment which has been performing like a sawtooth and every week it seems to gain what it had lost during the previous week. One week we have -12% losses and the following week we get a +12% gain, that will continue and has continued over the past 1 ½ month on this behavioral pattern. This week we saw the rise of the Panamax Index by more than 14% and we are counting 5 cShipponsecutive positive days, the fall of the Capes by more than 8% after a 5 day increase that was short lived, and the rise of the Supras that after 32 consecutive failing days returned to a positive slope and made some positive gains.

Read the full Dry Bulk Market Highlights - Week 47 (19/11/2010 - 26/11/2010)

Best Regards
Theo Scholiadis - Save as DraftS&P Broker

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